Previous Page To see Comments, click below: by   Carol   (Semke) Swanwick - "Great picture! Looking forward ..." The GHS class of 1950 held 56th reunion May 2006. The turn out was very good, with half the graduation class members attending from six states and as far away as Florida.. Attending, as shown on the photograph, were: First Row (L to R) Peter Bach, Walter Jensen, Lee Geiger, Robert Osburn, Clifford Kelsey Second Row (LtoR) Barbara (Bradley) Petersen, Sarah (DeWitt) Moore, Helene (Zawaski) Ward, Virginia (Parks) Nelson Third Row (LtoR) Bob McBride, Dorothy (Pearsall) Behrendt, Mary Kit Wallace, Dolores (Cipriano)Parker, Ada (Andersen) Lipsey Fourth Row (LtoR) Louise (Hawkins) White, Raymond Dzierzek Joseph Guarino, Thomas Lynch, Samuel Herbert Top Row (LtoR) Florence (Tuthill) Sawyer, Kenneth Schoonmaker, Charlotte (Mongo) Nadeau Attended reunion and not in picture- Carol (Semke) Swanwick from Joe Guarino and Charlotte Mongo Nadeau ... from Previous Page Click to zoom in to larger photo |